Tadas releases the new Fractalgram app and the delegates approve two proposals to reconfigure the eden.fractal MSIG! The new configuration includes six new signatories, smart time delays, and a custom permission! 🔑

Date: February 1st, 2023

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Please note that these show notes are a work in progress and will be updated soon.



Tadas introduced Fractalgram, an innovative telegram web app that helps communities cooperate with fractally or Eden style consensus meetings. You can read the introductory blog post, watch Tadas share a demo of the new app during last week’s meeting, and join the telegram group to learn more. The app features smooth integrations with the Eden Fractal web app and you can hear about on-chain compatibility here. The client side code is totally open source, which you can see in the Github repository. You can see Tadas announce Fractalgram in the Eden Fractal telegram group here. More details coming soon!