if notion can emit an event then this may be more flexible if the voting is in snapshot
[ ] ask snapshot if it allows a limited amount of votes in the space
- perhaps either you can vote with your respect each week, or you can only vote with your respect once
[ ] ask chatgpt about this
[ ] ask chat gpt
- [ ] can notion send a message out whenever a new project, task, or topic is created?
- [ ] can snapshot listen for a message and create a poll whenever a message is received that a new task, project, or topic is created
- [ ] would it be possible to automatically give notifications of this in discord?
- [ ] would it be possible to then add the votes in the snapshot polls to the notion properties for the task, project, or task that receives votes?
- this would involve notion listening via api for a message from snapshot or something like the graph, then the message triggering the notion api to update the properties in the database for votes
- perhaps something like pinax substreams or alchemy’s subgraphs could help with this
- it might be needed to check the API at some recurring interval for cost reasons, ie it doesn’t call the api every second but maybe once a week or once an hour or once every minute or 10 minutes or something like that if it’s too expensive. faster is better and the ultimate goal but it could work in cheaper setup as well if needed
- [ ] would it be helpful to use dework.xyz somewhere in this flow?
- [ ] when will snapshot x be ready to do this onchain? does it make more sense to use something like tally instead? does this need to be onchain for it to work or could it work offchain with the current version of snapshot?
if the subspaces thing doesn’t work or is too complicated, then just do it in a totally different space, such as projects.optimismfractal.eth or cagendas.optimismfractal.eth which i can set up with ENS
- that might be better than subspaces anyway
is it possible to sign into snapshot with account abstraction smart accounts?
More related ideas: Research deeper integrations of Appflowy or Charmverse into a Respect Trees, Cagendas app or more comprehensive fractal app