This is an attempt to define a process for:

All using existing tools we already have available.

This system would allow people to form teams (sub-fractals) and work on projects and have their contributions recognized by a parent fractal.

1. Determine respected list of projects for OP Fractal

  1. Pass a proposal for a list of projects for OP Fractal;
  2. Create a poll where Optimism Fractal participants can spread their Respect-weighted votes on projects in the list. More Respect votes on a project means more priority and importance;

2. Go fractal

People create fractals to implement named projects. These fractals work at least for a period of time until RetroPGF applications open. These fractals distribute their own Respect token as a recognition of contribution to the purpose of a fractal during this season;

3. Evaluate fractals;

  1. Host a meeting (or meetings) where fractals present their work to Optimism Fractal community;
  2. Pass a proposal mapping fractals to projects. Multiple fractals can be mapped to the same project and a single fractal can be mapped to multiple projects. Association of a fractal with project means that its work on that project is worth recognition (however small);
  3. Create a poll where Optimism Fractal participants can spread their Respect-weighted votes on fractals mapped in the 2nd step here;

4. RetroPGF applications

Now is the time to reward contributors to projects. There are couple of options here


The most primitive solution is for a set of people to take care of distribution according to Respect distribution manually.