[ ] Create other project(s) for updating the websites and social media profiles?
[ ] Consider - Where does this fit in with regards to our other priorities?
[ ] Consider - How should these tasks be prioritized and delegated?
I think this is the single biggest priority right now. The site looks bad on mobile and most people will look at it there
[ ] figure out how to improve the mobile look better
[ ] look at templates for super to improve the home page
[ ] Improve the pictures to be more thematic and smoother with the black background
[ ] Consider if we should add a page for the council, where we can then add the videos and text related to council and consensus process
[ ] Consider if we should add a page for starting your own fractal or playing the respect game
[ ] Consider if we should add a page for Earn with Respect / Optimism Fractal
[ ] Review the Optimystics.io/respect and consider if we should add any of the text here to the Optimism Fractal homepage
I think it makes sense to add some new calls to action
[ ] Consider if we should add 4 items in a gallery database like Ethereum.org does near the top here
[ ] Show Rosmari how to create gallery database view for Optimism Fractal videos page
[ ] Retitle media to videos?
Would you mind if the Optimystics posted from the Optimism Fractal twitter and farcaster account?
So far we’ve just been reposting messages from the Optimism Fractal account to maintain a more neutral messaging from the Optimism Fractal and not ‘speak’ too much on it’s behalf without clear consent, but this also hinders growth opportunities for Optimism Fractal and it would be helpful to be more aggressive with posting from Optimism Fractal’s account. Eventually we could use something like Herocast and Hats Protocol to delegate posting roles, but for now it seems that Dan and Rosmari are best positioned to post on this account as they see fit. If you’re interested in helping with the messaging, feel free to let us know.