


Following up on this… during last week’s planning session we discussed how Optimism Fractal can help public goods creators earn RetroFunding and how community members can earn RetroFunding by contributing to Optimism Fractal. For anyone who missed last week’s meeting, you can listen to this discussion here.

Hey everyone, I’d like to introduce a seasonal structure to Optimism Fractal and discuss this during our upcoming planning session. I’m curious to hear your thoughts and would appreciate feedback. Here’s the plan:

I think that we should complete the second season of Optimism Fractal next week, then take a week off for spring break and align our seasons with RetroFunding rounds for the remainder of the year. The first two seasons would each be 12 weeks long, then there’d be three more seasons this year that each last about 9-12 weeks (depending on the exact dates of RetroFunding) and a 1-2 week break at the end of each season to give everyone time to relax.