Here are pages that Tadas created to design OPF Trees. The most recent design can be found towards the bottom of this page.
This is a proposal for a plan for growing Optimism Fractal. If implemented this plan could initiate a process, that would be repeatable every season (albeit modifications to this algorithm are expected, especially at the beginning of every season). The intent of this plan is to achieve the following:
This is something we could start this season with whatever tools we already have and gradually improve every season (improve process and toolset).
Optimism Fractal would determine a list of projects and their priority at the beginning of the season. During the middle of the season, work would happen by individual teams on these projects. Near the end of the season, Optimism Fractal would evaluate teams, which have contributed the most. Finally, the RetroPGF lists would be created based on these evaluations, so that contributors could be rewarded according to their evaluation.
To perform steps 1, 2, 4 and 5 Respect-weighted polling in snapshot could be used. The simplest example would be a type of poll where any Respect holders can add their own options and Respect holders vote by distributing their Respect-weighted vote among options. In case of 1st and 2nd steps more Respect-weighted votes would signal a bigger priority of a work item. In case of 4th and 5th steps more Respect-weighted votes for a team means that the teams contributions have more value.
OPF project list would be a list of projects, which directly serve Optimism Fractal the most.
To help perform steps 3 and 4 events could be hosted where teams present their work to Optimism Fractal participants. Something like RetroPitches, which have already been done during previous RetroPGF round. In case teams have been working on projects that have been ranked highly in step 1, they can present that as an argument for the value of their contributions.
Optimism Fractal can help any RetroPGF applicant. Besides the opportunity to pitch your project in break-out groups they also get these benefits:
Optimism Fractal can help badge-holders by providing a list determined by a fair and decentralized consensus process.
For Optimism Fractal this creates means for contributors to get rewarded. OPF project list can also help clarify direction of Optimism Fractal. This would be useful for individuals and teams who are not sure what to contribute.
The best strategy for contributing teams might be to create fractals using the same software as Optimism Fractal and improve it rapidly according to their needs while keeping them aligned with the needs of Optimism Fractal. This can help them determine the distribution of RetroPGF rewards (basing them on Respect). But more importantly (and why it's the best strategy), by improving this fractal software for themselves they are actually serving Optimism Fractal as well. This means that they might be able to participate in both lists created by Optimism Fractal (potentially doubling the rewards). If this is truly the best strategy then that benefits Optimism Fractal and the ecosystem as a whole greatly. For Optimism Fractal this can help do upgrades. It can simply look at what the best-contributing teams are using and adapt it to its own needs. So most innovations in fractal toolset would happen in smaller contributing fractals, with Optimism Fractal taking what works best. This would enable Optimism Fractal to improve without taking huge risks by deploying untested software.
Overall output of this whole ecosystem would be a truly fractal governance structure. A DAO toolset that would work for teams of all sizes at all levels of a hierarchy.